Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Ambrosia (Book Boyfriend #2) by Erin Noelle

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FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!! *screams*

"I owed by happiness to both of them. One taught me how to fly like an angel - to free my spirit, to accept forgiveness, and to love without restraint. The other taught me to fly like a butterfly - to embrace change, to celebrate innocence and vulnerability and to open up my soul. Together, they had both given me the courage and the strength to fly with my own wings"

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This story picks up from Book 1, which is pretty awesome! We see tons of Mason in this book and I was so anxiously waiting for Ash to enter...... and oh boy, that was frustrating! Mason and Scarlett grew closer together day by day. Mason is adorable in his way!

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Of course, there is a catch in their happiness, Mason has to move out for this career and his manager, Bethany is another B****H!!! Hence, things really get pretty awful messed up! I only wished Mason would have opened his mouth asked her to move with him!! Such a gash situation.

FINALLY!!!!!! Our Ash enters, he saves from this mess and they find each other as always... They are definitely intense. LOVE ASH!!

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"We both just lay there for a moment lost in each other's eyes, looking deep into each other's soul, knowing that once the line was crossed, our destiny would be fulfilled"

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As I was feeling butterflies, BAM BAM that damn call, everything falls back to square one. EFFIN' MESSED UP.
I really hope Scarlett is worth for what these boys are going thru *cries*

SO, I AM HERE CRINGING FOR THE ENDING.... where is my ending????
I loved Book 1 more though!!

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When someone you love hurts you (goodnight imgur) :(

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