Saturday, 10 August 2013

Unteachable by Leah Reader

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It began with

"When your eighteen there's Not much to do in a Southern Illinois summer but eat fried pickles, drink tallboys you stole from you Mom, and ride the tilt-a whirl till you hurl. Which is exactly what I was doing the night I met Him. You can call it love, or you can call it freefall. They're pretty much the same thing!

Everything started in this carnival

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and a hot make out in his car

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Maise is 18 and has a strong attraction for older man... In this carnival, she meets Evan. Chemistry flying around them and it sparked. She ran and never expected to Evan again especially not as her teacher.

My Evan:

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And Maise:

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It's engrossing from the beginning "Maise the heroine just totally draws you into the book. I did want her to find happiness for everything that she went thru at that age. She is really strong. There was some hot naughty sexy scenes in what didn't disappoint.

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Overall, UNTEACHABLE is a provocative read, very nicely written. I had mixed feelings thru reading this book. Let's say I put aside that age differences, I loved it! Prof Emerson definitely was hot teacher and their love felt so right!

One thing for sure, this book was not a comfortable read but a thoughtful one.

"I'm sorry, I'm ruining your jacket."
"Ruin it, it's yours"

"This is real. We're still in love, and I miss you so much, Evan. I miss seeing the world with you. I miss you r body, I miss your voice and your laugh and your smile and the way you make me feel like a child, in the best way. Afraid and full of wonder and totally alive. This is me telling, without reservation, that I love you"

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