Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers #1) by J.A. Redmerski

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I need Reviving Izabel so badly..... Way too much of questions running in my head!!! This book was four star nail-biting, breath-taking, heart-stopping, tear-jerking stars.

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Meet Sarai

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Sarai was 14 years old when her mother gave her freely to the Javier, Mexican drug lord. Now 23 she has spent the last 9 years living as his personal favourite slave. Sarai has been dreaming running away from Javier and then her escape comes in the form of an American hit man who has come to visit Javier. But little does Sarai know that this man is a handsome assassin who couldn't care less about playing the hero and taking her to the US border or even is she lives.

And that American is our gorgeous Victor, top-class assassin!

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A starting makes you go whoa. This story punches you in the face with the horrors of kidnapping, abuse, torture and murder. So that definitely gets the attention.

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When Sarai escapes with Victor, their relationship develops very slow... it was killing me. There were so many twists and turns in the plot and in their story with action-packed and fast moving plots! Towards the end, their UST was already gripping me!

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Steam is still there *winks*

"Will you two be sharing a bed?" I don't know why, but my heart leaps inside my chest.
I am attracted to him. I do gave strange, unfamiliar feeling for him.
"I want to stay with you"
"I've never been with a man that I wanted to be with. I want to be with be you. Just once. I want to know what it feels like to be one in control"
"Only under one condition..... That I'm the one in control this time"

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The story is so suspenseful, intense, gripping and thrilling that there were multiple times where I was holding my breath or biting my nails. And towards the end it was so heart-stopping that I ended up sliding of the sofa inch by inch until I was huddled into a ball on the floor.

BADLY NEED NEXT BOOK!!!!! Victor and Sarai.........

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